  • Professionals
  • FDA PI


Generic name: sulfamethazine sodium solution

NADA 006-084, Approved by FDA


For Animal Use Only

Convenient once-a-day dosage in drinking water

Prepare fresh solutions daily

For Oral Use in Domestic Animals and Poultry. Not Sterilized.


For control and treatment of the following diseases when caused by one or more of the following pathogenic organisms susceptible to sulfamethazine.

For the treatment of:

Cattle: Bacterial Pneumonia and Bovine Respiratory Disease Complex (Shipping Fever Complex) (Pasteurella spp.)

Colibacillosis (Bacterial Scours) (Escherichia coli)

Necrotic Pododermatitis (Foot Rot) (Fusobacterium necrophorum)

Calf Diphtheria (Fusobacterium necrophorum)

Acute Metritis (Streptococcus spp.)

Beef Cattle: Acute Mastitis (Streptococcus spp.)

Swine: Porcine Colibacillosis (Bacterial Scours) (Escherichia coli)

Bacterial Pneumonia (Pasteurella spp.)

For the control of:

Chickens: Infectious Coryza (Avibacterium paragallinarum)

Coccidiosis (Eimeria tenella, Eimeria necatrix)

Acute Fowl Cholera (Pasteurella multocida)

Pullorum Disease (Salmonella Pullorum)

Turkeys: Coccidiosis (Eimeria meleagrimitis, Eimeria adenoeides)

Dosage and Administration

Dosage: Cattle, Calves and Swine:

1st day: 6 tablespoons (3 fl oz) for each 100 lb body weight providing approximately 112.5 mg/lb (247.5 mg/kg) body weight.

2nd, 3rd and 4th days: 3 tablespoons (11/2 fl oz) for each 100 lb body weight, providing approximately 56.25 mg/lb (123.75 mg/kg) body weight.

Dosage: Poultry: Add 2 tablespoons (1 fl oz) to each gallon of drinking water, or the contents of 1 gal (3.7 L) container to 128 gallons, or contents of 16 fl oz (473 mL) container to 16 gallons. Following administration directions below, this will provide a recommended dose of approximately 61 to 89 mg/lb/day (134 to 196 mg/kg/day) body weight in chickens and 53 to 130 mg/lb/day (117 to 286 mg/kg/day) body weight in turkeys, depending upon the dosage, age and class of chickens or turkeys, ambient temperature, and other factors.

Administration: Cattle, Calves and Swine: Add the required dose given above to that amount of water that will be consumed in 1 day; consumption should be carefully checked. Factors such as temperature, humidity and disease will cause variable fluid intake. As a generalization, ...