Centruroides Immune F(ab′)2
  • Professionals
  • AHFS Monographs

Centruroides Immune F(ab′)2

Class: Antitoxins and Immune Globulins
VA Class: IM300
Brands: Anascorp

Medically reviewed by Drugs.com on Apr 18, 2022. Written by ASHP.


Antivenom; equine IgG F(ab′)2 fragments capable of binding and neutralizing venom toxins of Centruroides scorpions.

Uses for Centruroides Immune F(ab′)2

Scorpion Envenomation

Treatment of clinical signs of scorpion envenomation; designated an orphan drug by FDA for this use.

May shorten time to resolution of envenomation symptoms, possibly eliminating need for treatment in an intensive care unit.

In the US, Centruroides sculpturatus (commonly known as the bark scorpion) is the only scorpion considered potentially dangerous to humans; found mainly in Arizona, but may be found in parts of California, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada, and northern Mexico.

Consider consultation with experts experienced in treating Centruroides envenomation (e.g., Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center in Tucson, Banner Good Samaritan Poison and Drug Information Center in Phoenix).

Centruroides Immune F(ab′)2 Dosage and Administration


  • Initiate treatment as soon as possible after a scorpion sting in patients who develop clinically important signs of scorpion envenomation (e.g., loss of muscle control, roving or abnormal eye movements, slurred speech, respiratory distress, excessive salivation, frothing at the mouth, vomiting).

  • Monitor closely during and for up to 1 hour after completion of IV infusion to confirm resolution of clinically important signs of envenomation.


IV Administration

Administer by IV infusion.

Reconstitution and Dilution

Reconstitute each vial of lyophilized Centruroides (scorpion) immune F(ab′)2 (equine) with 5 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride; mix using continuous gentle swirling. When multiple vials are indicated (e.g., for initial dose), combine required number of reconstituted vials immediately following reconstitution.

Prior to infusion, dilute total dose (total combined reconstituted vials) to a total volume of 50 mL using 0.9% sodium chloride.

Rate of Administration

Administer by IV infusion over 10 minutes.


Dosage expressed in terms of number of vials.

Pediatric Patients

Scorpion Envenomation

Initially, 3 vials.

Give additional 1-vial doses every 30–60 minutes as needed.


Scorpion Envenomation

Initially, 3 vials.

Give additional 1-vial doses every 30–60 minutes as needed.

Special Populations

No special population dosage recommendations.